Apresentação ao vivo da canção "People Get Ready", que faz parte do DVD Depois da Guerra, do Oficina G3, disponível nas plataformas digitais. OUÇA NAS PLATAFORMAS DIGITAIS: https://gospel.mk/3uiUP41 #OficinaG3 #PeopleGetReady #AoVivo #DVDDepoisDaGuerra =============================== • ACESSE A PLAYLIST COMPLETA DO OFICINA G3: https://gospel.mk/3qxFI3b • SIGA A MK MUSIC NAS PLATAFORMAS DIGITAIS: http://mkmusic.mk/perfilmkmusic • INSCREVA-SE NO CANAL MK MUSIC: https://gospel.mk/canalMKMusic • ASSISTA A OUTROS LANÇAMENTOS DO OFICINA G3: Diz: https://gospel.mk/diz Confiar: https://gospel.mk/confiar Compartilhar: https://gospel.mk/compartilhar Descanso: https://gospel.mk/descanso Encontro: https://gospel.mk/encontro Lágrimas: https://gospel.mk/lágrimas Sou Eu: https://gospel.mk/soueu =============================== • SIGA A MK MUSIC NAS REDES SOCIAIS: https://www.facebook.com/mkmusicoficial https://www.instagram.com/mkmusicbrasil https://www.twitter.com/MKMusicBrasil =============================== PEOPLE GET READY People get ready There's a train a-coming You don't need no baggage You just get on board All you need is faith To hear the diesels humming don't need no ticket You just thank the Lord People get ready For the train to Jordan Picking up passengers From coast to coast Faith is the key Open the doors and board them There's room for all Among the loved the most There ain't no room For the hopeless sinner Who would hurt all mankind just To save his own Have pity on those Whose chances are thinner Cause there's no hiding place From the kingdoms throne So people get ready For the train a-coming You don't need no baggage You just get on board! All you need is faith To hear the diesels humming don't need no ticket You just thank, You just thank the Lord Compositor: Curtis Mayfild

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